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Klaudia Sadkowska

KOBIDO Face Massage

Aktualisiert: 21. Okt. 2023

I'm sure you've heard of facial massage before, but have you heard of Kobido? Kobido is a traditional Japanese facial massage technique that is becoming increasingly popular. In this article, we'll take a closer look at Kobido and what benefits it offers.

Kobido is a facial massage technique that originated in Japan and has a tradition of over 500 years. The name "Kobido" comes from Japanese and means "ancient secret of beauty." This massage technique aims to improve facial blood circulation, even out skin tone and firm the skin by stimulating facial muscles and fascia.

Various techniques are used during Kobido massage, such as kneading, pressing, rubbing and tapping. The masseur uses his fingers, hands and special tools to apply pressure to the face and stimulate specific points. The massage is not only intended to have a relaxing effect, but also to stimulate blood circulation in the face and stimulate skin cells to regenerate faster.

The benefits of Kobido are numerous. It can help reduce fine lines and wrinkles, improve skin elasticity and reduce the appearance of dark circles under the eyes. It can also help firm and shape facial muscles, which can lead to a more defined and firmer face.

Kobido can also help with relaxation and stress reduction. During the massage, specific acupressure points in the face are stimulated, which can help improve blood circulation and put the body into a relaxed state.

If you are interested in Kobido, you should visit a certified Kobido massage therapist to make sure you receive professional treatment. A session can last about 60-90 minutes, and costs can vary depending on the location and experience of the massage therapist.

Overall, Kobido is a relaxing and effective facial massage method that offers numerous benefits. If you are looking for a natural and gentle method to improve the appearance of your skin and relax, then Kobido may be right for you.

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